lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

Dos pequeñas novedades en el blog / Two little novelties in the blog

Buenos días y buen lunes a tod@s!!. Después de un fin de semana casi veraniego empezamos semanita con dos pequeñas novedades en el blog:

Good morning and good Monday to all!!. After a lovely almost-summer weekend we start this week with two little innovations in the blog:

  1. Seguimiento del blog: desde ya tenéis la posibilidad de seguir este blog (escribiendo vuestro correo electrónico en el recuadro “Sígueme por email”). Cada vez que postee recibiréis un correo con parte de ese post y un enlace que os llevará al blog para terminar de leer el post del día.
  1. Following this blog: you now have the possibility to follow this blog (writing your email in “Follow by email”). Each time I post you’ll receive an email with part of the post and a link that will take you to the blog to be able to read the rest of the post of the day.
  1. Google translator: hay personas extranjeras que siguen mi blog así que para facilitarles el poder entenderlo y participar con sus comentarios tienen desde ya un traductor Google. Así que animaros, me encantaría leer vuestros comentarios!. Karen de Quilts etc ya lo hace lo que aprecio mucho (¡gracias Karen!).
2. Google translator: there are foreign people following my blog so now to make them easier to understand and to participate with their comments they have a Google translator. So come on, I’d love to read your comments!. Karen from Quilts, etc. is already doing it which I appreciate a lot (thank you Karen!)

2 comentarios:

  1. the google translator really helps doesn't it - not perfect - but better than nothing! thanks for adding it to your side bar makes it easy :)

  2. Hi Karen! I thought the translator would be a good idea. In the future I'll probably translate the posts. It'll depend on the free time I get which nowadays is not much!. I love reading your comments. Thanks!


¡Gracias por vuestros comentarios, me encanta leerlos!/ Thanks for your comments, I love reading them!