miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

El examen de inglés/ The English exam

Buenos días y buen miércoles a todos! Hoy os quería contar una historia que me ocurrió de verdad, historia con moraleja. Principios del mes de Mayo, un día entresemana, ocho de la mañana. Recibo un whatsapp: “¿Eres profesora de inglés?”. Miro la foto de la persona que me ha mandado el mensaje y era la carita de una inocente chica adolescente. Era un poco temprano para mensajes pero aún así le contesté enseguida.


Good morning and good monday to all! Today I’d like to tell you a story that happened to me in real life, a story with a moral. Beginning of May, a weekday, eight o’clock in the morning. I received a whatsapp: “Are you a teacher of English?”. I look at the photograph of the person who has sent me the message and it was the lovely face of an innocent teenager girl. It was a little bit early for messages but even though I replied her immediately.

Victoria: “Sí, ¿serías tú la alumna?”/”Yes, would you be the student?”

Posible alumna/Possible student: “Sí, pero no me he puesto en contacto contigo para que me des clase de inglés”/”Yes, but I haven’t contacted you to give me English prívate clases”

Victoria: “¿Perdona?”/”Sorry?”

A partir de aquí os cuento la historia: Lo que esta “inocente” adolescente me proponía era que la ayudara a copiar en un examen de inglés que tenía la semana siguiente prometiéndome que “me pagaría lo que le pidiese”. El “método” que había ideado era que una vez le hubieran repartido el examen y la profesora ya hubiese salido de la clase (ella me explicaba que la profesora repartía el examen y se salía de la clase ¿¿¿???) ella le haría una foto al examen y me la enviaría por whatsapp y yo sólo tendría que ir enviándole las respuestas. Que necesitaba aprobar y repetía una y otra vez que me pagaría lo que le pidiese.

From this point on I tell you the story: This “innocent” teenager girl was proposing me that I could help her to cheat in an English exam she had the following week promising me to pay me “whatever the amount I could ask her for”. The “method” she had thought up was that once she had the exam on her desk and her teacher left the classroom (she told me the teacher usually gave the exam to the students and leave the classroom ¿¿¿???) she would take a photograph of the exam and send it by whatsapp and I only had to send her the correct answers. She told me she needed to pass that exam and repeated and repeated that she’d pay me whatever the amount I could ask her for.

Nunca nadie me había pedido cosa semejante. Para acortar la historia, esa misma mañana le dije que la UNICA manera en la que podía ayudarla era dándole clases de inglés de manera intensiva durante esa semana hasta el día del examen. Ya no tuve respuesta por su parte.

I'd never received such a proposal. To make the story short, that same morning I replied her that the ONLY way I could help her was teaching English to her in an intensive way during the that week until the day of the exam. I didn’t get any reply from her.

Toda esta historia me dejó pensando en esta chica: ¿Qué clase de valores podían haberle inculcado en su familia para llegar a proponer algo así? ¿Todo vale con tal de que se consiga un fin?. Realmente da que pensar. Un abrazo para todos

All this story made me think about this teenager girl: Which kind of values could have been given to her by her family to ever think she could propose something like that? Is everything OK as long as a particular aim is got?. That kept me thinking. A hug to all

2 comentarios:

  1. this is not a responsible teenager is it? very sad the way teenagers are now days - of course for everyone one that wants to cheat there are responsible kids too :)

    1. You're absolutely right, a very irresponsible teenager. I think she wanted to pass that English exam no matter what she had to do to do it. A pity!


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